Our printable name badges can be used for more than just name recognition. We offer the ability to add table name, paddle number, and/or a scannable QR code for checkin purposes. Follow the steps below to begin customizing and printing name badges for your next event. An example of name badges using all available elements can be found below:
*Please Note: In order to generate name badges you will need to have at least one supporter within the 'Supporters' tab.
Customizing and Printing Name Badges
1. First, navigate to the 'Supporters' tab.
2. Select the users you would like create name badges for by clicking the checkbox to the left of their name. If you would like to select all available supporters within the tab, click "Bulk Actions" and then "Select / Deselect All Tickets."
3. After doing so, click "Bulk Actions" and then "Print Name-Tags," pictured below.
4. From here, choose which of the below elements you would like to be shown on the name badges. To unselect an element, click the checkbox to the left of the line item. The elements that can be added or removed from name badges can be found below.
- Supporter Name
- Table Name
- Paddle Number
- QR Code
- This QR code is intended to be used during the check-in process in conjunction with our scanner feature.
5. When you un-select an element, you will notice the name badge preview change. This allows you to visualize how the final name badges will appear. For an example, I have un-selected "Include Paddle Number," which removed it from the preview, pictured below.
6. Once you have selected and/or de-selected name badge elements, click the blue "Print [#] Name-Tags." This will generate a PDF with eight (8) name badges per sheet that you are able to print or download.
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