You can access Rehearsal mode within the Event.Gives.Live section available under the Items tab. Toggle the Off button to On and you will see a Go to Rehearsal Site hyperlink appear. Click that button and your rehearsal link will open in a separate tab.
Your event will always be turned to Live mode within Rehearsal mode. Once you have navigated to the rehearsal site link, simply click Start Event to join the rehearsal. Please note, only users who have the specific rehearsal link will be able to view your event rehearsal. You will notice your rehearsal mode URL will be *Please note your event url will have your event keyword in place of YOURKEYWORD that is listed here*
Please remember to remove all donation, bids, and chats that are made during your rehearsal so they do no appear in your actual event's chat box or affect your event totals. Any manager within the event will be able to remove chats, donations, and bids as laid out below.
You can remove test bids by clicking into the Items tab within the manager portal and navigating to the item you need to remove test bids on. Click on the number of bids and a pop up will appear showing each bid amount. To remove, click on the red trash can.
To remove test donations within your event, you will want to navigate to the Donations tab within the manager portal. Find the test donation you want to remove and click on the circle with three dots located to the right of the donor's name. A dropdown list will appear showing Delete and you can click on that to remove the donation from your event. *Pro Tip: Click on the Donation Time header to sort by donation date and time. This will allow you to easily identify donations made within your rehearsal window*
Any test chats that are made can be removed directly from your rehearsal site by clicking on the trash can icon next to each individual chat message, as shown below.
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