To create a donation campaign, first login to your Event.Gives account by navigating to the manager portal. If you don't yet have an account you can set up your free Event.Gives account using your name, phone number, and email. Once logged in, you will click on the 'Campaigns' option on the top right hand corner. Next click the blue "Create Campaign" button at the top right corner.This will open a new campaign. Fields with an asterisk (*) are required before you can save your campaign.
Once you input your title, keyword, and accept the terms and conditions, click create.
Now that your campaign is created you can update your campaign using the 'Campaign Settings' tab, including linking your Stripe account information. If you don't have an existing Stripe account, follow this article to learn more about Stripe.
From the 'Campaign Settings' tab you can easily write your campaign description utilizing Event.Gives "DISCriptions" feature. Learn more about DISCriptions here! Next upload a campaign cover photo and them color at the top center of the tab.
In order to add your giving levels, you can set one time donation amounts and monthly donation amounts to offer to your donors. Please note that your donors will always have the option to type in a custom amount. Along with your monetary amount, you can associate an impact with the giving levels as shown below.
Next, add your contact information and authorized administrators. You can add unlimited administrators and provide different permission levels to each administrator.
Once this information is added, you are almost ready to market your campaign! You can update your receipt message on the top right hand side to include a custom message that will display on the top of your donors receipts. Lastly you can reach out to individual donors by typing in their phone number in the "Join Attendee" to invite them to participate in your campaign.
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