Q: How do I set up a campaign?
A: Navigate to manager.event.gives. Create an account or log into your existing account with your mobile number and password. Once logged in, click on "Campaigns" in the top left corner. Next, click the blue “Create Campaign" button in the top left corner and provide a title, keyword, and Stripe connection. Accept our Terms and Conditions and then your campaign will be created. Happy fundraising!
Q: How do I access my campaigns?
A: Navigate to manager.event.gives. Create an account or log into your existing account with your mobile number and password. Once logged in, click on “Campaigns” in the top left corner. You will then be able to view all current, future, and past campaigns.
Q: How do I cancel a monthly donation on behalf of my donor?
A: From the “Campaigns” section of the manager portal, click into the campaign through which the donor donated. Click on the ‘Recurring’ tab. From here, you can use the search bar to locate the donor’s name, and then click “Cancel” to the right in the same column.
Q: How do I view all my transactions?
A: From the "Campaigns" section of the manager portal, click the 'Donations' tab. This will reflect all completed transactions for your campaign. Please note this information includes completed monthly donations as well as one-time donations.
Please note that a donation entered through the 'Donations' tab on the Manager Portal will need to be manually charged by a manager using the "Charge Card" button.
Q: Can I message my donors through the manager portal?
A: Yes, you can message your donors that are participating in your campaign. Navigate to the 'Donors' tab. Click to "Load all Attendees" in the center of the window. Once all donors have been loaded, click on "Bulk Actions" at the top left corner and then "Select/Deselect All Users." Once you have selected all users, click on "Bulk Actions" again and click "Send Message." From here, you can select to send a custom message via text or email by clicking on that tab. Our best practice is to send a test message to yourself by selecting only your name before sending it to all users.
Q: How do I export a report with my donor information?
A: In order to export your donor information, first click on "Campaign Actions" on the top right corner. Scroll down to click "Reports" then select the "Campaign Data Report." The report will download as a CSV file and will display all information associated with your completed donations.
Q: Can I set different levels for one time donation and monthly donations?
A: Yes, you can set different levels based on the donation intervals. From the "Campaigns" section of the manager portal, click on the 'Campaign Settings' tab. Scroll down to locate the "Giving Levels" section and input your one-time donation levels. Next you will input your monthly giving levels under the "Recurring Giving Levels" section. For more on setting your campaign giving levels, click here.
Q: How do I add a recurring donation on behalf of a donor?
A: Navigate to the 'Recurring' tab of your campaign. Next, click the blue "Add Recurring Donation" button at the top left corner. Enter the amount and select the interval in which the donor would like to donate and click "Next." Enter the phone or email of the donor. If they already have an Event.Gives profile it will populate here. If the donor does not have an existing Event.Gives profile, the system will prompt you to "Create User." Once all information is entered, click the blue "Create Recurring" button.
Q: How do I add a one time donation on behalf of a donor?
A: Navigate to the 'Donations' tab from the manager portal. Next click the blue "Add Donation" button at the top left corner. From here, check the "phone" box and enter the phone number of the donor. Next enter the donation amount in the green box and click donate. If they already have an Event.Gives profile it will complete the donation. If the donor does not have an existing Event.Gives profile it will prompt you to "Create User." Once all information is entered, click the blue "Donate" button.
Q: How do I view donors' pledges?
A: You can see the recurring pledges that your donors have committed on the 'Recurring' tab of your campaign. The green box at the top of this tab will show you how many payments and how much money you can expect in the next 30 days.
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