Event.Gives provides a variety of support options to ensure the success of your event. You can hire an Event Expert through the manager portal by clicking the orange "Hire an Event Expert" button in the upper right-hand on the 'Event Settings' tab.
Leading up to your event, schedule a call with the Event.Gives team member you've been working with (if you haven't been working with anyone, schedule a call with a team member here). You'll want to include your event staff and volunteers to go over check-in, check-out and other FAQs.
If you have hired on-site event support, our Event.Gives expert will meet with event volunteers one hour prior to your event to make sure they know how to use the system and are ready to help attendees. If you hired remote support, your Event.Gives expert will be available an hour before your event start time via direct line to you and your event volunteers to answer any questions you may have.
Check-in and checkout volunteers should be connected to the venue's Wifi and should have access to power cables. They should should be logged into the Event.Gives Manager (multiple people can share a login or you can add managers individually). All other guests should use their own data plans (cell phone signal) (putting everyone on the same Wifi will mean SUPER SLOW internet).
If you have a ticketed event, make sure your check-in volunteers know if they're using laptops on the 'Event Check-in' tab on the manager portal or smartphones/tablets to scan QR codes. If your guests will be using paddles to place bids and/or donate during the event, make sure the volunteers know where they are and how to assign them.
If you do not have a ticketed event, all volunteers should be using the 'Attendees' tab, prepared to ask guests their phone number so they can either "Create Attendee" or "Join Attendee" to give guests quick access to the event site.
Make sure your volunteers are familiar with Event.Gives. The more comfortable they are using Event.Gives, the better they will be able to assist your guests.
Meet with checkout team to prepare them for their duties. It is a good idea to have at least one "runner" assigned to each checkout station so that the volunteer can focus on checking attendees out through the platform, while the runner focuses on getting each attendee their winning item. Make sure checkout volunteers are trained and comfortable on how to checkout attendees. They should be ready when checkout begins with their screens ready.
Make sure there is a clear checkout plan and procedure. If an attendee reaches the checkout station to confirm their winning bid, you can ask them to follow through and confirm payment on their phone or you can help pay their carts out through the manager portal. Decide whether or not guests will be able to leave with items before their payment has cleared green. Decide on the process for check or cash payment.
Make sure to prepare your runners so that they know where and how to locate items and any relevant information to accompany each item. If possible, group your items by category so that each item is easy for the runner to locate.
For more information on our checkout best practices, click here.
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