Step 1: Setup
Previous - Checklist: Overview
Next - Step 2: Ticketing
- Invite Managers
Add other managers to your event to assist with setup, check-in, and check-out. These managers will be given full access to your event dashboard. All managers will also require an email address.
- Key Information
Update your event details to include an accurate title, description, date, and location. For background and logo images, our ideal image size is 2Mb or less and with 1920 x 1080 dimensions. Need help creating an image at that size? Follow this link to our Canva template here. Keep in mind, dates and times are just for display purposes on your event site, your event will NOT automatically open/close at those times.
Market Your Event
Marketing your event is the most important step when it comes to event setup! Copy and paste the language below to your organization's website to allow attendees to seamlessly navigate to your event site, bid, purchase tickets, and more.
Need help finding your event site URL? Keep reading this article for more information on locating your event site URL.
Copy & Paste Me On Your Organizations Website
Purchase Tickets to [Event Title Here]:[yourkeywordhere] |
Locating Your Event Site URL
First, you will locate the 'Event Details' in the Manager Portal. Under this, you will see your "Event Keyword" and event site URL, shown below:
Next, you will copy the link above and paste it within your organizations website. This allows attendees, who organically visit your website, to quickly navigate to your event site.
Pro Tip: By adding your event site link to your organization's website, we have seen a 47% increase in overall event revenue.
Another method that helps increase overall event revenue and event traffic in addition to , is direct links. A direct link is a link that goes to a specific page, for example, linking directly to your donation page in order to give attendees a quick and seamless way to donate from your organization's page! Other helpful links that we have seen increase overall event revenue are listed below:
- Contact
Share your event contact information and social media accounts with your attendees. We then relay this contact information to attendees who contact us directly with questions regarding your event.
(*Reference "Information" screenshot above)
"Synced Stripe accounts get access to Stripe's advanced accounting reports."
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- Payments
We process all payments with Stripe. You can create & sync a free Stripe account for your event to receive an immediate payout of raised funds. For an additional fee, you can opt for a 45-day delayed check payment via mail. This feature will be available as a payout option once you have contacted your Event Expert. The processing/platform fees are the same regardless. Yes, we are PCI compliant.
You can now integrate Raiser's Edge NXT CRM to your Event.Gives event to link your attendees to previous or new constituent records. You have access to creating/syncing constituents, storing notes on constituents, and pushing over gifts to constituent records in the form of an appeal, fund, or campaign. In return, RENXT will display that constituent's lifetime giving, wealth rating, donor type. Once synced, you can push event transactions as gifts to your RENXT constituent database.
1. Access the Event Settings tab within your Manager Portal.
2. Locate your Event.Gives Application ID by selecting the 'Raiser's Edge NXT' icon within the Connect to Blackbaud section of your Event Settings Tab.
3. Locate and select 'Marketplace' within the hamburger menu on the left side of your RE NXT account.
5. Connect by copying your Application ID found in Step 2.
6. Once you authorize your account, and hold your event, you can then go to your 'Attendees' tab within your Manager Portal.
7. Once in the Attendees tab, select the blue 'Load All Attendees', then drop down the grey 'Bulk Actions' menu.
8. From the drop-down menu, first select 'Select/Deselect All Users' and then 'Link Constituents'.
From here, Sync Actions will appear for you to sync your attendee turnout as well as push any transactions over as gifts on your attendee's constituent record. In addition to linking your constituents and pushing the transactions over as gifts, you also have the ability to create new constituents. This integration also has the ability to detect duplicate constituents and will ask for confirmation of who you would like to sync the record to.
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