Hosting an event on any scale can often be challenging. Event.Gives makes both the virtual and in-person event experience streamlined and user-friendly. For this article, I will be explaining how to place winning floor bids on behalf of guests during your in-person event or hybrid event.
Step One
Once the bidding is over for the associated live auction item, within the items tab, you will want to select the 'Close Live' button to ensure there is no further bidding on this item.
Step Two
Next, you will want to select 'Update Floor Bid' so that the user who made the winning floor bid has the item officially linked to their account and placed in their shopping cart.
Step Three
In order to associate the user with the winning bid, you will want to search the user by paddle number as well as update the winning bid amount, if necessary.
Step Four
Once you search and locate the user, you will want to select the 'Place Bid' button.
Step Five
Success! The user with the winning floor bid will now receive an automated congratulations text alerting them that they have won the item. The user will then be able to pay for this item and any other unpaid items within their cart. (We suggest sending Payment Links, located within the Blast Messaging tab, prior to the close of the event. Payment Links are direct links to users' carts and are only sent out to individuals with unpaid items left within their cart.)
*Please note: There is a 3.5% and $0.30 processing fee on all credit card transactions.
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