Starting the payout process begins before you even open your event, by connecting to Stripe. In order to sign up for (or sign into) your FREE Stripe Connect Account, you will want to navigate to the 'Event Settings' tab on the Event.Gives manager portal. You will then scroll to the Payout Information section and press the blue "Direct Deposit via Stripe" button. Stripe is a PCI compliant and secure credit card processor that allows for the funds you raise to be automatically deposited into your account (3.5% and $0.30 per transaction for CC Processing). You will be required to connect a Stripe account before you are able to process transactions.
To initiate your final payout you will need to click the red "Close Event" button in the upper right-hand corner of your manager portal. You will do this when you are completely done accepting payments from your attendees.
After you click "Close Event," the item icons will be greyed out and you will see "Closed" or "Paid" overlayed on the image for your items.
If the item is not paid and is showing "Closed," you will click the shopping cart below the winner's name, shown below:
This will open the person's cart and you can either charge the guest's card on file or mark it as paid with cash.
*Please note: Only mark an item paid as cash if you have already received check or cash payment.
Once all items and donations have been paid, you will request payout by following these steps:
Click "Event Actions" in the upper right hand corner.
- Click "Reports."
- Click "Payout Report."
Confirm the payout amount and transactions. If everything looks correct, click the blue "Request Payout" button. *Please note: If you have a negative payout balance (common if you have predominately/all cash transactions) we will send you an invoice.
Once you request payout, our finance team will be notified to do a final review of your event financials and send over any outstanding payments or invoices after the 45-day review period is complete.
If you experience any issues with receiving your payout or have questions regarding payout, please contact us at
Happy fundraising!
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